Regenerative Systems EcoSprint
May 15 - 16, 2019
Planet Home Headquarters
Eco Sprint EventEcoSprint
**Join us on May 15-16th in San Francisco for a two-day EcoSprint where we will workshop: ** _What are the key lessons learned to date from creating products in a regenerative way?_ _How might we learn from living systems to shift capital and resources to self-regenerate our living planet? _ _Where do we need to go from here, how fast, and who are the unlikely allies we may engage with along the way? _ People and planet thrive in ecosystems that restore, renew or revitalize their own sources of energy, materials, and information. Regenerative products are not only recycled and recyclable, but improve the environmental conditions of where it was made, used, and throughout its life‐cycle. We will be focusing on regenerative materials for textiles, food, timber, and other products created from grown materials.