
How to Properly Recycle Electronics, Styrofoam, Batteries and More

Step up your recycling game with the help of these amazing organizations!

4 years ago

Your Pet and the Planet: How to Make Your Pet Planet-Friendly

Have you ever thought about your pet's impact on the planet? Here's how your furry pal can be eco-friendly.

4 years ago

Real vs. Fake: Which Christmas Tree is More Sustainable?

Are real Christmas trees the more sustainable option compared to artificial trees?

4 years ago

Getting Wasted: How College Students Recycle at American University

Colleges campuses across the country are introducing innovative recycling programs. Here's how American University gets it done.

4 years ago

Celebrating Plastic-Free July with Mobot

On Wednesday July 29, Planet Home’s very own Antony Randall (CEO) joined Lani Cooper, founder and CEO of Mobot, on…

5 years ago