
WasteShark: Drone Aims to Solve Plastic Pollution

The WasteShark is an aquadrone that removes plastics and other floating debris from the water surface.

3 years ago

How Two Sisters from Bali Banned Single-Use Plastics

Indonesian sisters Melati and Isabel Wijsen grew up on the island of Bali, witnessed the spread of plastic pollution firsthand,…

3 years ago

How This Robot is Cleaning Our Beaches

How is the BeBot robot reducing plastic waste on our beaches, and what does the technology mean for the future…

4 years ago

The Beginner’s Guide to Ocean Stewardship

Our ocean needs us! Here's how you can help.

4 years ago

Why the Ocean is Important to Me

Hear from Planet Home writer Julianna on what made her fall in love with the ocean.

4 years ago