Array ( [0] => Array ( [code] => 401 [message] => Airtable API keys are deprecated and can no longer be used. To continue using Airtable's API, migrate to personal access tokens or OAuth for integrations: ) ) Solutionists?filterByFormula={Featured}=TRUE()&sort[0][field]=Order&sort[0][direction]=desc&sort[1][field]=Name&sort[1][direction]=ascArray ( [0] => Array ( [code] => 401 [message] => Airtable API keys are deprecated and can no longer be used. To continue using Airtable's API, migrate to personal access tokens or OAuth for integrations: ) ) Events?filterByFormula={Featured}=TRUE()&sort[0][field]=Date&sort[0][direction]=desc&sort[1][field]=Event Title&sort[1][direction]=asc Anvee Bhutani | About

Anvee Bhutani

Anvee Bhutani is currently an undergraduate student at the University of Oxford in the UK where she is studying Human Sciences, an interdisciplinary degree aiming to bridge the gap between the social and natural science worlds. Originally from Silicon Valley, California, Anvee runs her own nonprofit organization, Legato Lingua, which teaches world languages to young children. At Oxford, she is involved in student journalism, serving as Senior Editor of her university publication. Anvee is interested in bringing an solutionist perspective to people's everyday lives in order to promote sustainability efforts and combat environmental injustice.

Why You Need a Reusable Face Mask

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, so does the environmental impact of disposable facemasks. Fight pollution with reusable masks, instead.

4 years ago